Membership Information

North Hempstead Country Club offers several categories of membership. For more information on the types of memberships that follow or our application process, please contact our Membership Chairman, Christopher Melvin at [email protected].

Regular Membership

Regular members enjoy complete access to our golf course, pool, tennis courts, dining areas, as well as all social events.

Club Membership

Club members enjoy weekday access to our golf course, as well as complete access to our pool, tennis courts, dining areas, and all social events.

House, Pool, Tennis Membership

House, pool, and tennis members enjoy complete access to our pool, tennis courts, dining areas, and all social events, These members may also use the golf course once a month with a regular member.

Associate Memberships

Special memberships are available to people less than 40 years of age affording them complete access to our golf course, pool, tennis courts, dining areas, as well as all social events at reduced initiation and annual fees.