NHCC Club Rules
These rules and regulations are intended to advise each member regarding the responsibility of his or her membership. All members should be made familiar with them and the important part they play in maintaining North Hempstead Country Club as one of the finest clubs in the Metropolitan New York area.

The extent to which the members of the club enjoy its facilities is entirely dependent upon each member's understanding, cooperation, and courtesy. To operate effectively, it is necessary to maintain certain rules and regulations formulated so that you, your families and your guests may enjoy a club where the highest levels of conduct are maintained and one that will assure you of the standards and surroundings which you sought when you applied for membership.

Committee Chairs or senior staff members have the responsibility of pointing out infractions, and if a member persists in disregarding rules after they have been called to his or her attention, the matter should be reported to the Board of Governors for action.

In order to centralize complaints and suggestions of any nature whatsoever relating to the Club, and in order to assure prompt attention, they should be directed to the Department Heads or Committee Chairs who will report them immediately to the Club General Manager. The General Manager is responsible for the enforcement of the rules and regulations of the Club and is not authorized to make exceptions. The continued infraction of rules by any member may result in a reprimand from the Board of Governors, and in the case of serious or continued infractions, the member may be suspended or requested to resign in accordance with the By Laws. No member or guest may reprimand any employee, without exception. The staff and management are fully supported by the Board of Governors.